Last thursday I decided to be ambitious to give the choux buns another shot after 2 unsuccessful attempts. The 1st attempt, I tried to pipe it out with a baking sheet piping bag, the mixture burst out of the sheet and fell on the kitchen floor! The 2nd, I used my reusable bag and decided to throw it away as it was WAY too much work to clean it. The mixture has a texture like very sticky play dough, imagine the hassle. The buns came out hard on the outside and undercooked inside. =s
So thursday was a success! Well, I used a different recipe and filled it with a chocolate chilli filling instead of custard which I intended to use for the 2 failed attempts but used it in another sweet treat instead.
Once they cooled, I immediately filled one up and devoured it. And once all were filled, I ate 2 more. Yum.
Then on Sunday, we had steamboat over at a cousin's place and I made dessert, my 2nd attempt which I improved on. Well, I didn't have a name for it so my cousin named it Meringue Custard Blueberry Crumble. What a mouth full, let's just call it MCBC. That's.. so... me.
On the car ride home, I shared a story my cousin about her mum and I with our French cousin, his wife and kid. While we were going to our car at the SPH building, we walked past a security guard and he said to the 2yr old (in English) ,"Hello boy boy." We returned polite smiles. He continued with (in English still),"Where are you going boy boy?" We returned polite but awkward smiles and kept walking. Then my auntie (who 100% of the time doesnt remember where she parks her car or the destination that she is driving to) said,"The baby only understand French, he doesn't understand Chinese." I quickened my pace and smiled to myself.
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